٤ - سورة النساء
( ۲ ) حُوبًا كبيرًا :إثما أو ذنبا أو ظلما- عظيمًا
great sin, offence, misdeed
( ۳ ) ألاّ تعولوا :أن لا تجوروا بترك العدل, أن لا تميلوا
You deviate from the right course, oppress. From عول – to oppress, distress
( ٤ ) صَدُقاتِهِنَّ :مُهُورهنّ
Sing: صَدُقة – dowries, bridal money
( ٤ ) نِحْلة :فريضةً أو عطيّة بطيب نفس
Compulsory gift, present, donation
( ٤ ) هنيئًا مريئا :طيِّبا سائغا حميد المغبّة
هنيئًا = ease that does not entail any hardship, مريئا = pleasing, palatable, relishing, acceptable to nature. “can be translated as hansi khushi in urdu”
( ٦ ) آنسْتُم :علِمتم و تبيّنتم
Perceived, discerned, sensed . from iv of anisa/anusa[uns] – to be intimate, sociable
( ٦ ) بدارًا أن يكبَروا :مسارعة قبل البلوغ
Haste, hurry, speed, expedition
( ۱۰ ) سيصْلوْن سعيرا :سيدخُلون نارًا موقدةً هائلةً
Enter Burning blaze, hell, inferno
( ۱۲ ) كلالةً :ميِّتا لا ولد له و لا والد
Someone who does not leave behind children or parents after death
( ۱۹ ) لا تعضلوهنّ :لا تمسكوهنّ مُضارّةً لهنّ
Do not hinder, constrict, prevent, bar from ‘adala-[‘adl] – to prevent
( ۲۱ ) أفضى بعضكم .. :أي الجماع : وصل، بالوقاع أو الخلْوة الصحيحة
أفضى – he reached, attained, arrived, came . form iv of فضى – to be wide, to be empty . Here it means “two of you joined together” ( Lexicon )
( ۲۲ ) مقْتًا :بغضاً , مستحقرًا جدًّا
Hateful, abomination, aversion, detestation
( ۲۳ ) ربائبكم :بنات زوجاتكم من غيركم
sing: rabibah, wife's daughters by other husband(s), Step daughters
( ۲۳ ) حلائل أبنائكم :امرأة الابن الصلبي
Sing. Halilah – wife(s) of your own sons not adopted.
( ۲٤ ) المُحصنات :المتزوجات
Fortified, rendered inaccessible i.e. women whose chastity is fortified by their being married, also free and chaste women. Maidens
( ۲٤ ) غير مسافحين :غير زانين
Sing. Musafih – fornicators. Form III of سَفَحَ = to shed ( All Ayaats Lexicon )
( ۲۵ ) طَوْلاً :غِنًى و سعَةً و قدرة على المهر
Material means, financial ease, affluence, power, might
( ۲۵ ) متّخِذات أخدان :مُصاحبات أصدقاء الزّنى سرًّا
secret girlfriends or boyfriends ( All Ayaats Lexicon )
( ۲۵ ) خشِيَ العنتَ :خاف الزّنى. أو الإثم به
hardship, distress. Here it means mistake, fear of fornication/ adultery
( ۲٦ ) سُنن . . :طرائق و مناهج . .
Ways, practices, customary procedures – here it means ways of prophets and messengers before you
( ۳۱ ) مُدْخلاً كريمًا :مكانًا حسنًا شريفًا و هو الجنَّة
A noble place of admittance i.e. Jannah
( ۳۳ ) جعلنا مواليَ ممّا ترك :ورثةً عصبةً يرثون ممّا ترك
Sing. “maula” – inheritors, heirs, patrons, friends
( ۳۳ ) الّذين عقدت أيمانكم :حالفتموهم و عاهدتموهم على التّوارث (و هو منسوخ عند الجمهور)
عقد – pledged. Your right hands pledged
( ۳٤ ) قوّامون على النّساء :أسياد و رؤساء , قِيام الولاة المُصلحين على الرّعية
Custodians, guardians, managers
( ۳٤ ) نشوزهنّ :عدم طاعة الزوج
Disobedience, haughtiness, arrogance, violation of marital duties
( ۳٤ ) واضربوهن :ضرباً لا يترك أثراً Video Commentary
See video for Tafseer
( ۳۵ ) شِقاقَ :النزاع و الخصومة
Rift, discord, dissension, disunity
( ۳٦ ) مُختالاً :مُتكبِّرًا مُعجبًا بنفسهِ
Egoistic, self-conceited from viii of “khala” [khyal] – to imagine, to suppose
( ٤۰ ) مثقال ذرّة :مقدار أصغر نملةٍ ، أو هباءَةٍ
Misqal/ masaaqil (pl) – weight, zarra (pl. zarraat ) = tiny particle, dust spec, atom, measure of a small ant
( ٤۳ ) عابري سبيل :مجتازين من باب إلى باب , مسافرين فقدوا الماء فيتيمّمون
Pl. of aabirun . noun from abara[abr/ubur] – those who cross, pass through, traverse. i.e. here it means traversing the place of worship to place of purification.
( ٤۳ ) الغائط :مكان المنخفض , قضاء الحاجة (كِناية عن الحدث)
Low and spacious ground. ( also used for using the lavatory )
( ٤۳ ) فَتَيَمَّموا :اقصدوا
You (all) aim for, intend, set your mind on
( ٤٦ ) اسْمَع غير مُسْمَعٍ :اسمع ما نقول لا سمعت : قصدَ به اليهود الدعاء عليه صلّى الله عليه و سلم
The jews used to say this as an insult. “you hear but be not made to hear”
( ٤۷ ) نطمس وُجُوها :نمحوها أو نترُكَهم في الضّلالة
We erase, we wipe off, obliterate, efface, eradicate. From tamasa [tams/tumus]
( ٤۸ ) افْتَرى :اختلق و كذب
Invented falsely, fabricated, made up, slandered. Form viii of fara [fary] – to cut lengthwise, to fabricate
( ٤۹ ) يُزكّون أنفسهم :يمدحونها بالبراءة من الذّنوب
Purify, declare honesty or uprightness. The allusion is to the self-vindication of the Jews who used to say that they were sons and dear ones of Allah and only Jews or Christians will enter paradise.
( ٤۹ ) فتيلاً :قدْر الخيْط الرقيق في شِقّ النواة
Thread in the fissure of the date seed, wick
( ۵۱ ) بالجِبت و الطّاغوت :بكلِّ معبود أو مُطاع من دون الله
Both mean idol, false god, evil one. Satan and anyone worshipped besides Allah.
( ۵۳ ) نقِيرًا :قدْر نقطة في ظهر النّواة
Tiny spot on a date pit. Figuratively – iota, or a little bit
( ۵٦ ) نَضِجت جلودهم :احترقت و تهرَّت و تلاشت
She became ripe, mature, was well cooked, broiled.
( ۵۷ ) ظِلاًّ ظَليلاً :دائمًا لا حرّ فيه و لا قرّ
Everlasting shade – i.e. Jannah
( ۵۹ ) تَنازَعْتُمْ :اختلفتم
You disputed, contested. form vi of naza’a [ naz’] – to remove
( ۵۹ ) أحسنُ تأويلا :أجمل عاقبةً و أحمد مآلاً
Best solution – taweel – solution, interpretation, clarification
( ٦۰ ) الطّاغوت :الطاغية الذي يحكم بغير ما أنزل الله : الضّليل كعب بن الأشرف اليهودي
False god, evil one. Satan and any other objects worshipped in lieu of or as partners of Allah
( ٦۵ ) شجر بينهم :أشكل و التبس عليهم من الأمور
Any dispute or difference. it occurs, happens, develops, arises, crops up
( ٦۵ ) حَرَجاً :ضيقًا أو شكًّا
Distress, difficulty, constriction, critical situation
( ٦٦ ) أشدَّ تثبيتًا :أقرب إلى ثبات إيمانكم
Strong confirmation of their faith. tasbeet – confirmation, fastening, strengthening. Form ii of sabata – to stand firm, be fixed.
( ۷۱ ) خُذوا حِذركم :خذوا سلاحكم أو تيقّظوا لعدوّكم
Caution, precaution, alertness, watchfulness.
( ۷۱ ) فانفروا ثُباتٍ :اخرجوا للجهاد جماعت مُتفرّقين
Detached groups, detachment
( ۷۲ ) ليُبطِّئنّ :يتخلف و يبطئ غيره
Lags behind, slows down. The allusion is to the hypocrites who lag behind at the time when going out in fighting
( ۷۸ ) بُروجٍ مُشَيَّدةٍ :حصون و قلاع . أو قصور منيعة عالية
Burooj – towers, castles, signs of zodiac. Mushayyadah == lofty, high, strongly built. Form ii of sha’da –[shayd] – to erect, to construct.
( ۸۱ ) بَيّت طائفة :دبّرت بليل ، أو زوّرت و سوّت
A group plotted during the night
( ۸۲ ) يَتَدَبَّرونَ القُرآنَ :يتفهمون القرآن
They reflect, ponder, meditate, consider from v of dabara[dubur] -to turn ones back
( ۸۳ ) يستنبطونه :يستخرجون معناه الصحيح ، أو عِلمه
They investigate, find out, discover. form x of nabata – to gush out, to stream forth. ( Lexicon )
( ۸٤ ) أشدّ تنكيلا :أشدّ تعذيبا و عقابا
Severe punishment, exemplary punishment – ibratnaak saza. Form ii from nakala – to shrink, to desist
( ۸۵ ) كِفلٌ منْها :نصيبٌ و حظٌّ من وِزْرِها Video Commentary
Share, part i.e. a share of badness
( ۸۵ ) مُقيتًا :مُقْتدرًا . أو حفيظًا
Ever powerful, ever nourisher. Form iv of q’ata[qut/qawt/qiyatah] – to feed, to nourish. In form iv the verb means to have power over, to invest someone with power.
( ۸۸ ) أركسهم :نكَّسهم و ردّهم إلى حُكم الكُفر Video Commentary
He reverted, threw back. Form iv of rakasa –[raks/ruks] – to return ( All Ayaats Lexicon )
( ۹۰ ) حصِرت صدُورُهم : ضاقت و انْقبَضت
Hasirat – enclosed, restrained, deterred. “dil tang hote hain” . i.e. their hearts are averse to fighting you and also to joining you in fighting their people.
( ۹۱ ) ثقِفتموهم :وجدتموهم أو تمكّنتم منهم Video Commentary
You find, you meet ( All Ayaats Lexicon )
( ۹٤ ) عرض الحياة الدّنيا :المتاع و الغنيمة : و هي مال الزائل
Transitory, ephermal, temporary, unstable i.e. little booty . in urdu “aarzi”
( ۹۸ ) حيلَةً :قدرة على التحول
Pl. hiyal/aha’il . means, device, expedient, trick, stratagem
( ۱۰۰ ) مراغمًا :داراً لهجرته يرغم من كان يؤذيه في داره
Refuge, place to escape to, adverb of place from raghama – form iii from raghima/raghama [raghm] – to be dust, to be humiliated. It means such a place or refuge that frustrates and humiliates the enemy
( ۱۰۰ ) وَ سَعَةً :رزقاً واسعاً
Abundance, plentitude, spaciousness
( ۱۰۸ ) يُبيّتون :يُدبّرون بليل
Did it by night, designed, harbored form ii of bata [ bayt/bayat/mabit/mabat/baytitah] – to be in night.
( ۱۱۵ ) يُشاقق الرّسول :يُخالفه
Opposes, turns hostile, breaks away from shaqqa/ -- to be hard, to split ( All Ayaats Lexicon )
( ۱۱۹ ) فليُبتِّكُنّ :فليُقطّعُنّ أو فليشقّنّ Video Commentary
Cut off, split form ii of bataka – to cut . The pagan Arabs used to cut off or split the ears of a cow as a mark of sanctifying her if she consecutively gave birth to 5 male cows. The sense here is that Satan would try to mislead men to worship false gods. ( Lexicon )
( ۱۲۱ ) محيصًا :مهرباً , خلاصاً , مصرفاً
Escape, place of refuge, retreat, flight ( All Ayaats )
Lanes lexicon
حَاصَI: فعل , Present.T يَحِيصُ, Verbal.Noun حَيْصٌ and حُيُوصٌ and مَحِيصٌ and مَحَاصٌ and حَيَصَانٌ and حَيْصُوصَةٌ and حَيْصَةٌ ↓ , [or the last is an Verbal.Noun of un.,]
He turned away from him, or it: and he returned, or went back, and fled, from him
حَاصَ عَنِ القِتَالِ He turned away from the fight. And حَاصَ عَنِ الحَقِّ He turned away from the truth; he deviated from it.
مَحِيصٌ [an Verbal.Noun: and also a n. of place, signifying A place to which one turns away, or aside; to which one flees; a place of refuge
( ۱۲۵ ) حنيفًا :موحداً هاجراً عبادة الأوثان , مائلا عن الباطل إلى الدّين الحقّ
Pl. hunafaa’ . A true monotheist. One who shuns the false religions and follows the true religion.
( ۱۲۸ ) نشوزًا :بغضاً فيعرض عنها زوجها , تجافيًا عنها ظُلما
Animosity, antipathy, violation of marital duties, disobedience, arrogance
( ۱۲۸ ) الشّحّ :البُخل مع الحِرص
Stinginess, avarice, covetousness
( ۱۳۰ ) مِنْ سَعَتِهِ :فضلِه و غناه و رزقه
i.e. Allah may make each above the want of the other by providing each with a suitable partner and means of livelihood
( ۱۳۵ ) تلووا :تُحرّفوا في الشّهادة
You distort, bend, twist, pervert.
( ۱٤۱ ) ألمْ نسْتَحْوذ عليكم :ألم نغلبكم فأبقينا عليكم
We look after, master over, overpower. Form x of had’ha [hawdh] == to urge on, to spur on The hypocrites try to take credit for themselves especially when the unbelievers have a turn in their favor, by reminding them ( unbelievers) that they secretly help them and protected them from being harmed by the believers.
Lane's Lexicon:
وأصله من حاذ الإبل يحوذها، وحاذها يحوذها أي يسوقها سوقًا عنيفًا
He drove the camels quickly or violently
اِسْتَحْوَذَ ↓ عَلَيْهِ, and استحاذ; He overcame, mastered, or gained the mastery over, him, or it: [like حازهُ.] You say, استحوذ ↓ عَلَى كَذَا He mastered such a thing; gained the mastery over it; gained possession of it. استحوذ ↓ عَلَيْهِمُ الشَّيْطَانُ means The devil had overcome them, or gained the mastery over them: or hath gained the mastery over their hearts: or had gained the mastery over them, and inclined them to that which he desired of them: or drove them, having gained the mastery over them.
And أَلَمْ نَسْتَحْوِذْ ↓ عَلَيْكُمْ Did we not acquire the mastery over your affairs, and gain possession of your affection? or did we not gain the mastery over you by befriending and aiding you? or did we not overcome you, and have it in our power to slay you?
( ۱٤۳ ) مذبْذبين بين ذلك :مُردّدين بين الكُفر و الإيمان
Wavering, vacillating, fluctuating From zabzaba – to swing. i.e. between belief and disbelief
( ۱٤٤ ) سُلطانا مُبينًا :حُجّةً ظاهرة في العذاب
Clear authority, mandate, authorization, rule, evidence
( ۱٤۵ ) الدّرك الأسفل :الطّبق الذي في قعر جهنّم
Depth, level, reach, abyss
الدَّرْكُ كالدّرج، لكن الدّرج يقال اعتبارا بالصّعود، والدّرك اعتبارا بالحدور، ولهذا قيل: درجات الجنّة، ودَرَكَات النار
durk is opposite of daraj ( stairs )
( ۱۷۲ ) لن يستنكِف :لن يأنف و يترفّع و يستكبر Video Commentary
Yastankif – look down up, disdain, scorn, spurns. Form x of nakafa = to disdain