۲۱ - سورة الأنبياء
( ۳ )
لَاهِیَةࣰ قُلُوبُهُمۡۗ
:غافلة ; منشغلة منصرفة
heedless, inattentive, distracted
( ۵ )
أَضْغَاثُ أَحْلَامٍ
:أخْلاطُ مَناماتٍ لا حَقِيقَةَ لَها
Confused dreams, from : ضَغَثَ
ضَغَثَ الحَدِيثَ, - He confused, or confounded, [or related in a confused manner,] the tradition, or story,
or the like
ضِغْثٌ signifying - a handful of herbs
( ۱۱ )
وَكَمْ قَصَمْنَا
:كَثِيرًا أهْلَكْنا واسَتْأصَلْنا وأصل القَصْم:
We shattered, broke i.e. destroyed . from القَصْم means to break
( ۱۲ )
:يُسِرِعُونَ هارِبِينَ مِنَ العَذابِ
أي يَعْدُون. وأصل الرَّكْض: تحريك الرجلين؛ تقول: رَكَضْتُ الفرس: إذا أَعْدَيْتَهُ بتحريك رجليك فعدا
They fled and ran
رَكَضَ Verbal.Noun رَكْضٌ, He moved, or struck with, his leg, or foot: or he struck and hit therewith, like
as one strikes and hits therewith a beast. In another ayah : اُرْكُضْ بِرِجْلِكَ
رَكَضَ الرَّجُلُ signifies The man fled, and ran
( ۱۵ )
:هالكين قد انطفأت شرارتهم، وسكنت حركتهم، فصاروا
همودا كما تخمد النار فتطفأ
We made them [as] a harvest [mowed down], extinguished [like a fire].
خَمَدَتِ , Present.T ـُ; and خَمِدَت, Present.T ـَ; Verbal.Noun خُمُودٌ and خَمْدٌ;
The fire subsided; its flaming; or blazing, ceasing; but its embers remaining unextinguished: when its
embers have become extinguished, you say of it, هَمَدَت: or it died away, and became utterly extinguished.
( ۱۸ )
:يَمْحَقُهُ، ويَدْحَضُهُ
أي يكسره. وأصل هذا إصابة الرأسِ والدماغِ بالضرب وهو مقتل
It nullifies it, invalidates/refutes. lit. "strikes its brain," disabling or killing it.
دَمَغَةٌ, Present.T ـَ and ـُ Verbal.Noun دَمْغٌ,
He broke his head so that the wound reached the دِمَاغ [or brain]
( ۱۹ )
وَلا يَسْتَحْسِرُونَ
:لا يَمَلُّونَ ; لا يُصِيبُهُم إعياءٌ ولا مَلَلٌ
مِن عِبادَةِ اللهِ
They do not get tired or fatigued.
حَسَرَ, Present.T ـِ and ـُ Verbal.Noun حَسْرٌ and حُسُورٌ; and احسر ↓ , Verbal.Noun إِحْسَارٌ; and حسّر ↓ ,
Verbal.Noun تَحْسِيرٌ;
He, and it, tired, fatigued, or jaded, a beast, or a camel: and he drove a camel until he tired, fatigued,
or jaded, him.
حُسِرَتِ الدَّابَّةُ The beast was fatigued so that it was left to remain where it was.
حَسَرَ, Present.T ـُ It fatigued the eye. And حُسِرَ البَصَرُ مِنْ طُولِ النَّظَرِ [The eye was
fatigued by the length of looking].
( ۲۰ )
لَا يَفۡتُرُونَ
:لا يسكنون عن نشاطهم في التسبيح و العبادة ; لا
يَضْعُفُونَ، ولا يَسْأَمُونَ
They do not slacken
فَتَرَ - slacken, abate, subside
فَتَرَ البَرْدُ The cold abated
فَتَرَ المَآءُ [The water abated in heat so as to become tepid, or lukewarm]
( ۳۰ )
:مُلْتَصِقَتَينِ لا فاصِلَ بَيْنَهما
Joined together; clogged
رَتَقَ , Present.T ـُ and ـِ Verbal.Noun رَتْقٌ,
He closed up, and repaired, a rent: [he sewed up, or together: see رِتَاقٌ:] الرَّتْقُ is the contr. of
Hence,] one says, رَتَقَ فَتْقَهُمْ, meaning [He closed up the breach that was between them; he reconciled
them; or] he reformed, or amended, the circumstances subsisting between them.
( ۳۰ )
:ففصلنا بينهما بالهواء
We tore them apart.
fatq : tore apart, unstiched, cracked, ripped open
( ۳۱ )
فِجَاجًا سُبُلًا
:طُرُقًا واسِعَةً مَسْلْوكَةً
Mountain passes as routes
فَجٌّ A wide road between two mountains; and فُجَاجٌ ↓ signifies the same: or, in a mountain: or, in the
anterior part of a mountain, wider than a شِعْب [q. v.]: or a depressed road: or a conspicuous and wide
road: or a far-extending beaten track or road
( ٤۰ )
:فَتُحَيِّرُهُمْ و تدهشهم
It will dumb found them
بَهَتَهُ, Present.T ـَ Verbal.Noun بَهْتٌ
He, or it, caused him to become confounded, perplexed, or amazed, not seeing his right course: or took him
unawares, or by surprise, or unexpectedly, or suddenly
( ٤۲ )
:يحفظكم و يحرسكم
( ٤۳ )
:يُجارون و يمنعون أو يُنصرون
( ٤٦ )
:دُفعة يسيرة . أو نصيب يسير
( ٦۵ )
نُكِسوا على رءوسهم
:رجعوا إلى الباطل و العناد
( ۷۲ )
:عطيّة أو زيادة عمّا سأل
( ۷۸ )
نفشت فيه
:انتشرت فيه ليلا بلا راعٍ فرعته
( ۸۰ )
صنعة لَبوس
:عمل الدّروع تلبس في الحرب
( ۸۵ )
ذا الكفل
:قيل هو إلياس عليه السّلام
( ۸۷ )
:غضبان على قومه لكُـفرهم
( ۸۷ )
لم نقدِر عليه
:لن نضيّق عليه بحبس و نحوه
( ۹٦ )
:مرتفع من الأرض
( ۹٦ )
:يُسرعون المشي في الخروج
( ۹۷ )
شاخصة أبصار . .
:مُرتفعة لا تكاد تطرف أبصار . .
( ۹۸ )
حصب جهنّم
:حطبها ووقودها الذي به تهيَّج
( ۱۰۰ )
:تنفّس شديد تنتفخ منه الضّلوع
( ۱۰۲ )
:صوت حركة تلهّبها