غُثَآءٌ: The rubbish, or small rubbish, or particles of things, or refuse, and scum, and rotten leaves mixed with the scum, borne upon the surface of a torrent: or dried-up [or decayed] and broken pieces [or leaves and stalks] of herbage, that are seen upon a torrent
So As-Saihah (torment - awful cry, etc.) overtook them with justice, and We made them as rubbish of dead plants. So away with the people who are Zalimun
And then makes it dark stubble
غَثَا الوادي : The valley became full of rubbish.
وفي حديث القيامة: كما تَنْبتُ الحِبَّة في غُثاءِ السيلِ، قال: الغُثاءُ، بالمدّ والضم ، ما يجيءُ فوقَ السيلِ مما يَحْمِلُه من الزَّبَدِ والوَسَخِ وغيره، وقد تكرر في الحديث.
وجاء في مسلم: كما تَنْبُت الغُثاءةُ؛ يريد ما احتمَله السيلُ من البُزورات.
وفي حديث الحسن: هذا الغُثاءُ الذي كنا نُحَدَّث عنه؛ يريد أَرْذال الناسِ وسَقَطهم
مَالُهُ غُثَآءٌ وَعَمَلُهُ هَبَآءٌ وَسَعْيُهُ خَفَآءٌ :
His property is as rubbish borne by a torrent , and his work is as motes that are seen in the rays of the sun , and his labour, or earning, is a thing that is unapparent
غُثَآءُ النَّاسِ :
The low, or vile, and the refuse, of mankind.
الحُوَّةُ: Redness inclining to blackness, or blackness inclining to greenness; greenness, inclining to blackness by reason of intense greenness
أَحْوَى Of the color termed حُوَّةٌ and also black, or black by reason of [intense] خُضْرَة by which may be here means either greenness, or dark, or ashy, dust-color
applied to a horse, كُمَيْتٌ [i.e. bay] overspread with blackness; or red in the back; or more yellow than, but nearly the same as, such as is termed أَحَمُّ, so that one swears, of such a horse, that he is أَحَمّ: [see مُحْلِفٌ:]) applied to a camel, whose خُضْرَة [here meaning dark, or ashy, dust-color] is intermixed with blackness and yellowness:
applied to a man, having [a brownish color such as is termed] سُمْرَةٌ in the lip; or having a blackness in the lips, which is approved; fem. حَوَّآءُ,
applied to a woman, and to a lip (شَفَةٌ) as meaning red inclining to blackness
applied to a plant, inclining to blackness by reason of its intense greenness; and such is the softest of plants: the pl. is حُوٌّ; occurring in a traditions, in which the best of horses are said to be those thus termed: the diminutive of أَحْوَى is أُحَيْوٍ, in the dialect of him who says أُسَيْوِدُ [instead of أُسَيِّدُ, dim. of أَسْوَدُ];
بَكْرَةٌ حَوَّآءٌ : A sheave (a wheel with a groove for a rope to run on ) of a pulley formed of black wood.
نَمْلٌ حُوٌّ : Red ants
فَجَعَلَهُ غُثَآءً أَحْوَى, : And has made it (the herbage mentioned before) dried up, black by reason of oldness: or it may mean and hath made it to become غثآء [or decayed, or dried-up, leaves and stalks,] after it has been green.