Ibn Ishaq said : "Thawr ibn Yazid told me on the authority of a knowledgeable person whom I believe is Khalid ibn Ma'dan al-Kalai that some of the Prophet's (SAS) asked him to tell them about himself. He (SAS) said :

"I am the supplication of my father Ibrahim (AS) and the good tidings of Isa (AS). When my mother was pregnant with me, she saw in a dream a light emitting from her that let her see the castles of Syria. My suckling was among Banu Sa'd bin Bakr. While I was with a (foster) brother of mine behind our tents shepherding the lambs, two men wearing white garments came to me with a golden basin full of snow. Then they took me and ripped open by belly, extracted my heart and split it; then they extracted a black clot from it and discarded it away. Then they washed my heart and my belly with that snow until they had fully cleaned them. Then one of them said to the other, 'Weigh him against ten of his nation'. He did so and I outweighed them. Then he said, 'Weigh him against a hundred of his nation' He did so and I outweighed them. Then he said, 'Weigh him against a thousand of his nation' He did so and I outweighed them. Then he said, 'Leave him, for by Allah if you weigh him against his entire nation he would outwiegh them' "