A man of Saba called Daus Dhu Tha'laban (who was one of the Christians of Najran) escaped on a horse, and taking to the desert eluded them. He pressed on until he reached the Byzantine court, when he asked the emperor to aid him against Dhu Nuwas and his troops, telling him what had happened. The latter replied that his country was too distant for him to be able to help by sending troops, but that he would write to the Abyssinian king who was a Christian and whose territory was near the Yemen. Accordingly he did write ordering him to help Daus and seek revenge.

Daus went to the Negus with the emperor’s letter, and he sent with him seventy thousand Abyssinians, putting over them a man called Aryat. (He ordered him to kill a third of the men, lay waste a third of the country, and seize a third of the women and children if he conquered.)

With the army there was a man called Abraha ‘Split-face’. Aryat crossed the sea with Daus Dhu Tha'laban and landed in the Yemen. Dhu Nuwas with the Himyarites and such of the Yemen! tribes as were under his command came out against him, and after an engagement Dhu Nuwas and his force was put to flight.

Seeing that his cause was lost Dhu Nuwas turned his horse seawards beating it until it entered the waves and carried him through the shallows out into the deep water. This was the last that was seen of him. Aryat entered the Yemen and took possession of it