Aryat held sway in the Yemen for some years and then Abraha the Abyssinian (who was in his army) disputed his authority, and Abyssinians split into two parties each claiming supporters When war was about to begin, Abraha sent to Aryat asking him to avert the danger of internecine (mutually destructive ) war and inviting him to settle the dispute by personal combat. the winner to be the sole commander of the army.
Aryat agreed and Abraha went forth to meet him. He was a short fat man holding the Christian faith; and Aryat advanced against him spear in hand; he was a big, tall, handsome man. Abraha had a young man called Atawda at his back to defend' him against attack from the rear. Aryat raised his spear striking at Abraha’s skull and hit him on the forehead splitting his eyebrow, nose and mouth. It was for this reason that he was called al-Ashram (spit-face).
Thereupon 'Atawda coming out from behind Abraha attacked Aryat and killed him, and Aryat’s army joined Abraha, and the Abyssinians in Yemen accepted him as their chief.